Ear Cuff : Psyche lプシュケー
Acoya Mother of Pearl, acoya keshi pearl / K10
風に乗り飛ぶ蝶の羽に太陽の光が重なった。その時現れた虹色の美しさに息をのんだ。一瞬にして現れ消えるその刹那の美しさは、捉えようとしても捉えることができない。ガジュマルの木々の間をきらり、ひらりと飛ぶ蝶を追っていると、その虹色の美しい輝きに、見えぬ世界の存在を感じらずにはいられない。それは蝶たちの見ている、束の間の生が輝く世界。その世界はすーと遠ざかり、 そして気づくともうそこにはない。
Ear Cuff : Psyche
Acoya Mother of Pearl, acoya keshi pearl / K10
Processed akoya pearl oysters by Pearl Heim, social welfare facility in Nagasaki
This is part of the Psyche earrings collection.
One butterfly perched on your ear, reflecting the sunlight beautifully.
To truly grasp its essence, please refer to the story of Psyche below:
About Psyche
The word Psyche in ancient Greek means a butterfly, soul, and heart. Many tribes around Melanesia and Indonesia believe that a butterfly is an ancestor’s spirit. It is said that a butterfly could travel back and forth between this world and the other world.
In addition, the incarnation of the female deity goddess in Ryukyu (Okinawa), called Onari-gami, is also a butterfly.
I witness the mystery of life and hope in the phenomenon of the metamorphosis of butterflies, wherein they can fly when they spread their wings from a chrysalis.
The sun’s rays overlapped the wings of butterflies flying in the wind. Appearing the beauty of iridescent color took my breath away. An ephemeral beauty appears and disappears in a moment. We try to catch this beauty but we cannot.
When I follow the flying butterflies glittering and floating among banyan trees, I can’t stop wondering about the existence of the unseen world on its beauty shining with iridescence. It's a world seen by butterflies wherein an ephemeral life shines. This scene noiselessly slips away. It's too late for me to realize that it's no longer here.