Prices of fluctuating items such as pearls and gold are subject to change without notice.
A piece of Earring | a brooch | Ohigashi (Sweets)
Porcelain, Gold, Silver, Wasanbon Suger
Made by
Q_ Hisashi Shibata (Jewelry) + Kumaya (Confectionary )
with acoya keshi pearl
和菓子の木型をもとに作られた”なでしこ”のピアス。オランダで活躍のQ _Hisashi Shibataさんに木型を渡し、作って頂きました。acoyaのケシパールが中央にポイントとして添えられています。
セットになっている和三盆を使った干菓子は 彫刻として飾って頂けます。こちらは、長崎平戸にある250年続く和菓子屋、熊屋平戸さんです。今、私の彫刻干菓子は七年間美しいままです。
和菓子、そして菓子木型も、私たちの自然との心のやりとりが生んだ文化であると思います。このプロジェクト “a kind of sweet”は、この木型を菓子だけでなくジュエリーにも応用し、私たちが大切にしてきたものをもう一度振り返る機会となるようにとも思っています 。
This is the Nadeshiko set. It is composedof FlowerConfectionary by Wasanbon Sugar and a piece of Earring. Both of them are made by a wooden mold of Nadeshiko for Japanese Sweets.
The confectionary is called Higashi. It’s a kind of sweets entirely made of Japanese sugar.
Higashi could keep its shape for decades, just like a sculpture. I also have Higashi that can keep its beautiful form for about 7 years. You can eat or use it as a decoration.
I found that it’s most important to develop senses and culture from the improved interaction between humans and nature. We awe nature and have developed finely honed senses due to this natural environment. The confectionary culture and various things that emerged from this environment have all been created through the heartwarming collaboration between nature and humans. I feel that these are things that we should cherish once again, as we have been thinking about only economic growth without considering the natural environment in modern times.
I think Japanese confectionery and its wooden molds are the cultures that resulted in our heartwarming dialogue with nature.
I hope this project, “A Kind of Sweet” won’t be only about sweets but also jewelry. In addition, I hope that it will give us a chance to look back on what we have cherished the most.