aco91 /Chaos_Star-ornament for ears

aco91/Chaos_Star-ornament for ears
¥26,400 including tax

Prices of fluctuating items such as pearls and gold are subject to change without notice.

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Chaos _Star ornament for ears -ear cuff
3 acoya keshi pearls / K 10

“カオス”と名付けた、大きく、ユニークな形の"あこやケシパール" で作ったイヤーカフ。

とても珍しいのです。彼らは色も形もとてもユニークで、生命が成長したいように大きくなり 自由な形で、コントロール不可能で混沌としています。

この地球に1個しかない形です。幸運にもこのユニークなacoyaの カオスケシパールを見つけたら、インスタグラムかオンラインショップでアップします。お楽しみに!

○ acoya ケシパールのイヤーカフ○



Chaos_Star Ornament for Ears_Ear cuff

This ear cuff named “Chaos” is made of bigger size and unique shape of Acoya Keshi Pearl.When I only find interesting and big shapes among Keshi pearls, I’ll make a special ear cuff from it. Thus, we created this ear cuff collection called “Chaos”.

Keshi pearl is a natural Akoya pearl that was coincidentally born from an Akoya oyster, without inserting a nuclear into them. They are very unique in shape and color.
They live freely in their own sense and style. Therefore, they're uncontrollable and chaotic.

It’s one of a kind here on Earth. When I'm lucky enough to find this precious piece, I will definitely post it on Acoya’s Instagram or online shop. Expect to be amazed!

○Ear Cuff by Acoya Keshi Pearl○
The tiny unique shape of Akoya pearl is called “Keshi Pearl".
These pearls are not cultivated pearls, like inserting core intentionally to Akoya oysters.
They were born from some foreign objects that coincidentally penetrated into Akoya Oyster's body. Then, the Akoya Oyster starts making a pearl to protect its body from these foreign objects. Therefore, these Keshi pearls are unique in shapes and colors. And they are very rare, just like stars in the night sky.

Both Akoya Pearls and Human Beings have the same lives.
We were both born after a big explosion in space.
So, all of us are a part of the shinning star.

I have created Ear Cuffs emphasizing the primitive impressions with Keshi Pearls that retains prehistorical memories through their unique shapes. These pearls not only serve as jewelry but also as a bridge that connects the present time to the past.

*More about Keshi Pearl ->
