aco49B / Informal yet Elegance

aco49B/Informal yet Elegance
¥104,500 including tax

Prices of fluctuating items such as pearls and gold are subject to change without notice.

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Necklace “informal yet elegant”
acoya pearl, K10


重度の体に障害のある方々が、あこや真珠貝やマベ貝などの加工からそのほか様々なものを作っていらっしゃいます。このパールハイムさんは故・田崎俊作氏が設立されました。体に障害を持つ方々がお金だけではなく誇りをもてる仕事を、という理念のもとに建てられた、日本で身体障害者の方が真珠に関わる仕事をする唯一の社会福祉施設です。Acoya はこの理念に共感をし、お仕事をご一緒している。

“Informal yet elegant”
A necklace lined with pearls of classical length expresses a formal style.
Each pearl is unique on Acoya, making this necklace informal.
It gives you a strong vibe of punk with elegance. The adapter of the necklace is originally made.

This is made by Pearl Heim, a social welfare corporation in Omura City, Nagasaki.
This is the only facility in Japan that serves as a home for the heavily disabled people who can work on pearl jewelry.
Unique pearls of Acoya are turned into a long necklace and bracelet, creating a perfect harmony of elegance and uniqueness. This delicate process is being made in this sole facility.

*About Pearl Heim
Handicapable individuals are working on Akoya pearl oysters and mabé shells, as well as other various items. Acoya functions with them. This Pearl Heim was founded by the late Shunsaku Tasaki, founder of Tasaki Pearl company. It was built on the principle that physically challenged people should be able to work not only for money but also to take pride in what they do. It is the only social welfare facility in Japan where physically challenged people work with pearls. Acoya shares this philosophy and advocacy through the continuous projects with them. We really appreciate what they do for Acoya
